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Saya kuyu for almost all the time. The name is, Ibtisam Hadi. twenty-two. A full-time student. more Qs?

Thursday, 7 February 2013

winter break

Assalamualaikum & Hi :)

anybody out there is dying to know how am i doing lately ? hmmm. never mind. i'll just tell. like always. i had so much to say but i would like to keep most of them. so, this just a brief and short post i guess.

i miss blogging most of the time but i got so many things to catch up. for the first few days, i got extra classes , anatomy classes. well, anatomy isn't an easy subject but as long as we learnt, it won't be hard right. *hope so* then, few days later, i went to Cairo. got something to settle. i need to get my student card done and we went to the book fair which held there, at Cairo.

what is the differences between Cairo and Mansoura ? wayyyyy too different. Mansoura is like Simpang Renggam and Cairo is more like KL.*i guess so* what i meant here is, Mansoura is more like kampung-style, just a small city while Cairo more like bandar-style, tall buildings, malls. most of the tourist they go to Cairo or Alexanderia for vacation. i've been to Alex before. just for a while. i am planning to visit Alex again :3

well i had so much fun in Cairo. i didn't get to take most of the pictures there. i tend to be careful when moving around so i kept my phone and camera safe and that's why i don't take picture. oh yeah, i met Am. yeah, that Amrotul Aqilah. she's already berpurdah and my friends were like "wahhh :O kawan kau berpurdah siott" *that's what their face looks like. hehe* i don't know much about her change. i just don't want to ask some ridiculous question like, since when? why? when people change, i dont think we need to ask why because it's what we supposed to do as a muslim. it's not an option. i am proud of her and it's a good thing.

i think it will be hard for me to keep in contact with my friends, catching up with them, updating my blog. these are not my only priority anymore. rasa macam busy. macam laa tapi. hoho. maybe this is just part of growing up. lol, cliche -..- anyway, i am sorry for being an ignorant. *dush2*

ze guys; haziq, faisal and anuar. ze girls; akma, aimi, shaz. 
literally, these three guys are our musyrif. err i don't know how to explain the musyrif term correctly. hee next time maybe :B until then, daaa~~

Thank you fr reading.feel free to leave comment :)

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