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Saya kuyu for almost all the time. The name is, Ibtisam Hadi. twenty-two. A full-time student. more Qs?

Monday, 2 September 2013

this or that,

Assalamualaikum :)

With the recent things that happened : overthrown of Dr. Morsi, massacre at Rabiah Adawiyah, usage of chemical weapon on Syria, endless war in Palestine. Our muslim brothes and sisters are suffering a lot. Pray for them, may they die as a syuhada', InsyaAllah. 

I am in difficult situation right now. Back then, when I had to go to Egypt, I was like maybe that's my place where I can gain knowledge, maybe my 'rezeki' is there. But now, I have to choose between Misr(egypt) or Malaysia, either I am staying here or going back. Even though there are many things I hate about environment there, I miss Egypt the most right now, I am really sad about the massacre happened there. Misr is like the 2nd home to me. Not many can understand this. Even my friend asked things like, "Why ? Ada pakwe arab ke kat sana?" haha XD there's no such thing. Mesir, bumi para anbiya', bumi tarbiyyah.But, considering things that happening right now, I don't think I am brave enough to be there. So, Misr or Malaysia?

May Allah protect our Muslim sisters and brothers, may they be one of the syuhada'. Amin. 

We too, can do what we can, within our own strength. Pray for them, donate and boycott. Here is the boycott list . That's the least thing we can do. Stop being an ignorant, it's like you are just standing there, watching your own family being killed. Nauzubillah. 

Thank you fr reading.feel free to leave comment :)

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