Tarbiah sentap:
"Ibu, I want this tudung sarung. Senang pakai nanti if da clinical ke."
"Boleh, how much?"
"Kawan kata 10 hinggit kat jalan tar. Tp kalau nak carik exactly mcm ni, mana dapat 10 hinggit. Tudung asal besar sikit je mahal."
"Takpe mahal sikit, yang penting dapat redha Allah."
Assalamualaikum & Hi :)
Final Semester exam just done. I am currently enjoying our two-day/weekend semester break. Yup, no long-dragging semester break for us T.T
Since it's a post-exam talk, let's talk about anything else other than exam. So, this is what I want to talk about; kahwin or marriage. Teehee
Last time when I was home, macam biasa Ibu mention something about kahwin. It was nothing serious, just some girl talk. She was like, by 23 kena ada calon dah and I was like, wow, that's a year from now. haha. Of course, I think it's too early. but I never detest those people who got married at 19 or in their early 20s. Dah jodoh dia awal kan.
And I am still at that 1st stage. I've done a lot of things in the past to repent. Ibu always pesan, banyakkan solat taubat, sebab sometimes kita pun tak sedar kita buat dosa. We are human, never perfect.
So, yeah study is my priority now. Then, to repay my parents back, all the sweats (read;money) they have spent, all the love and care, May Allah bless you always Ibu, Ayah. I love you both.
Since it's a post-exam talk, let's talk about anything else other than exam. So, this is what I want to talk about; kahwin or marriage. Teehee
Last time when I was home, macam biasa Ibu mention something about kahwin. It was nothing serious, just some girl talk. She was like, by 23 kena ada calon dah and I was like, wow, that's a year from now. haha. Of course, I think it's too early. but I never detest those people who got married at 19 or in their early 20s. Dah jodoh dia awal kan.
"Kalau akak kahwin lambat pun apa salahnya. 26 baru nak grad (insyaAllah)."
"Lambat2 nanti takde calon dah."
"Kalau tak kahwin pun apa salahnya, ibu kan ada. (sambil kenyit2 mata)"
"Kalau ibu da takde macam mana?"
"Abang Lan(my autistic brother) kan ada."
"Kalau Lan da takde jugak macam mana? nanti awak sorang2."
By the time she said that, only then I understood why she kept mentioning about marriage, cari calon, etc. She don't want me to be alone.She thinks about the future;what if I grew old alone. My mom is so sweet kan. I honestly feel like crying when I finally understand her concern. (insert crying emoji here) At first I thought shejust wanted to be that young, cool grandmother because she said something like this, "Nanti Ibu nak cucu Ibu panggil Ibu, Mama." Hahah :D
Ibu is so funny. She is a mother who can be from really funny to really-mother-like. You know what I mean right, (wink)
Marriage and all those related stuff, I'd be lying if I said I never ever thought of it. It's just that I think, in order to build a new family, I need to prepare myself. As an individual, I am still lacking. Kahwin itself is sunnah. Kahwin itself is important to build a 'khilafah muslim' (empayar Islam macam empayar Turki Uthmaniyah dulu) There is ladder step for this;
Individu Muslim>Baitul Muslim>Masyarakat Muslim>Negara Muslim>Khilafah Muslim
And I am still at that 1st stage. I've done a lot of things in the past to repent. Ibu always pesan, banyakkan solat taubat, sebab sometimes kita pun tak sedar kita buat dosa. We are human, never perfect.
So, yeah study is my priority now. Then, to repay my parents back, all the sweats (read;money) they have spent, all the love and care, May Allah bless you always Ibu, Ayah. I love you both.
P/s: Tabiah Sentap; highly recommended by my mom. Tak sempat habis baca lagi :B Bagus buku ni, dakwah untuk budak muda mudi macam kita ni (hihi). Here is the website; Tarbiah Sentap
hi sam! lama gila tak bw. kind like rindu gila. ive deleted my blog sbb theres too much memories there :(