me; 3 pointer pe.
ibu; hurm. yerlarh.
me; dh tuh, ibu tgk cm nk telan org jekk.
ibu; after dis, 3.5 pulakk. promise?
me; oke. T_T
lpas my mom blah. i smile ;D unpredictable actually. i thought my result will be worst than that. bcoz i knew how i did on my exam. n i think it's sucks. yea i'm grateful. my last sem's result is only 2.9 sumthin. it's not a big difference. n the grades are not really excellent. i expect it would be much better than this. HAHA. it's oke. nex year is da real war ;)
i'm so impressed with elena. before dis, she said "kite x nk study". well, along da examination weeks, she do revisions but not as much as me. n she did well. elena got 3.84 ! hebat kan? ;DDD
awat hang lebey ni ????