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Saya kuyu for almost all the time. The name is, Ibtisam Hadi. twenty-two. A full-time student. more Qs?

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

crying guy ?

lelaki nanges? why?
bcoz of gal? haishh.wasted lar.
but, last nite. izhar cried. bukan depan orang ramai of coz.
camne tah die nanges. LOL. he hid his tears. pandai eh
tape lar. asalkan tak buat benda bodoh (ex:smoking ke)
nanges sbb: rindu zaf. haishh. karat lar abg aku ni.
HAHA. i understood. tak tahu bile leh jumpe lagi kann.
runtuh ego die fr a gal.n zaf u r lucky ;)
ppl will say : hish. karat sungguh. 
but, try to understand k.u r not in his shoes.  
btw, lawak lar abg aku ni. kate rocker :P

p/s: zaf, jge iz elok2 :D

Thank you fr reading.feel free to leave comment :)

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