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Saya kuyu for almost all the time. The name is, Ibtisam Hadi. twenty-two. A full-time student. more Qs?

Thursday, 3 November 2011

uh-oh :o

just a moment ago, i read djah's new entry. she mentioned about a lot of things and i'm agree with all she said. betul laa der. belaja kat mana pun, tak penting. yang penting berapa banyak ilmu kita dapat and so on. also, she mentioned about the upcoming Final Sem 1 result ==' thanks a lot papoy. *tiba2 rasa cuak -.-  kfine.

the upcoming result is due this friday. yes. jumaat ini. ulang suara, this friday, 4th november and i literally means tomorrow.oh my gawwwddd! i'm thinking to quarantine myself. LOL. i mean, locking myself in my room, turn off my handphone,keep aside my laptop. fullstop. great plan huh. keeping myself from any outsider. muahahaha. but, my mom had plan. i think, we're going to UKM tomorrow since she had classes 0.0 urghh. i was planning to not tellling my mom about the upcoming result. but still, i blurted it out *ketuk kepala kat dinding   

i am hoping for a miracle :( i'm hoping for not failing any of the subjects and my pointer will be beyond 3.5 *that was just a wishful thinking to make things worst, i don't feel anything. i am worried. but, there's no good or bad sign ==' i'm praying fr the best fr me :')

Thank you fr reading.feel free to leave comment :)

1 comment:

  1. go go power rangers laa sammy ! :) boleh punyaa dpt results okayy .
